
Vault for iOS

I designed and developed Vault to offer a classier alternative to the plethora of “hidden calculator” apps.

Gusto for iPad

Gusto for iPad App Interface

Armed with nothing but AA Trees and Objective-C, I set out to build the world’s first, fully editable, syntax-colored, code editor for the iPad. Regarded by PC World as one of the “Top $10 iPad Apps Worth Paying For” Read the review by PC World

Gusto Syntax Editor

Gusto Syntax Highlighting

Armed with nothing but AA Trees and Objective-C, I set out to build the world’s first, fully editable, syntax-colored, code editor for the iPad.

Gusto Syntax Highlighting

Gusto Syntax Highlighting

After building Gusto’s text editor from scratch, I had a good idea of the memory and performance limitations of the iPad, so I knew I’d be in for a challenge to provide really good quality code coloring for Gusto. Criteria 1: Flexible Interpolation I noticed that many syntax highlighting engines seem to struggle with interpolation, both basic things like single quotes interpolated with …

Gusto App Design

Gusto for iPad

When the Apple App Store was running rampant with skeuomorphism, I designed the user interface for the Gusto IDE for the iPad. From linen-fabric backgrounds and fibrous textured paper, to drop shadows and inset text, Gusto was a wondrous skeuomorphic landscape of real-life elements glued to bajillions of iPad pixels. Heralded by SuberApps to be one of forty useful iPad apps with …